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Pedal Power: A Beginner’s Guide To Spin Class

By 02/02/2017March 16th, 2020Cardio, Group Fitness
spin class


If you’re about to take your first spin class, don’t be nervous! Whether you are switching gears to a new exercise routine or are just beginning your fitness journey, this guide will help ensure your first ride is smooth and fun.

1. Get to class early.

Arrive to your class at least five minutes early to prepare. You will need this time to set up and adjust your bike. It’s important to properly set up your bike in order to avoid discomfort and injury. Ask the instructor to assist you before class starts.

2. Increase resistance.

Don’t forget to add resistance to your bike. You want to challenge your body. There are a variety of resistance levels used throughout a spin class; follow the instructor’s directions.

For example, when riding on a flat, you should ride at a lower resistance but higher pace. When riding on a hill, increase the resistance and decrease your pace. The goal is to build your strength and endurance.

3. Be confident.

Just because you are a beginner doesn’t mean you need to feel intimidated by your fellow classmates. You will find a range of skill levels in your class, from beginners like you to athletes.

4. Concentrate on your form.

Proper form is critical if you want to maximize your workout. It’s easy to hunch over or tense up. However, focus on your form at all times.

Your instructor will keep an eye out on spinners’ forms during class, but if you feel uncomfortable or are not seeing the results you want, talk to your instructor.

5. Sit near the front.

The closer you are to the instructor, the more engaged in the class you will be. Also, with the instructor’s eye on you, you will make it a point to work harder!

6. Wear the right gear.

Don’t underestimate the importance of quality, proper gear. Toss the loose sweats and sneakers and opt for cycling shoes and paddled shorts.

Tennis shoes and yoga pants are fine for the first few classes, but if you want to make spinning part of your regular routine, invest in good gear.

7. Remain on the bike.

Every move and every transition should be smooth and connect. Do not break unless you need one as transitions are essential to increasing stamina.

8. Don’t give up.

Just like with any exercise routine, results will not magically appear overnight. But that is no reason to get discouraged! Your commitment and hard work will pay off.

9. Hydrate.

You will sweat so drink water throughout the class. If you don’t have a chance to hydrate during the class, be sure to after your class. Spin classes can be intense; therefore, it’s vital to replenish your body.

10. Have fun.

As always, enjoy yourself! Spin to the music and ride to the rhythm of the class. Connect with the routine and feel your body growing stronger and fitter.

Looking to try out a spin class? The Amarillo Town Club offers spin classes in our SpinLab located at our 4514 Cornell location. See our group fitness schedule for a full list of current classes.

Be sure to download our FREE DAY Pass and check it out!