There are many different styles of yoga, from gentle to rigorous. If you are new to this ancient practice, it can be a bit daunting to determine which style is best for you. The key to finding the right place to start is to recognize the importance of the mind/body connection and choose a yoga style that matches both your personality and your physical needs.
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. The purpose is simply to determine what your individual needs are.
Do you have any experience?
What is your fitness level?
Do you see yoga as something spiritual?
Would you like to hold poses or experience something more fluid?
Are you looking for yoga to enhance your life or to change it?
Do you want your yoga to be peaceful or adventurous?
Do you have a favorite yoga pose?
What do you hope to gain from practicing yoga?
With your answers in mind, take a look at the yoga styles we offer here at the Amarillo Town Club.
Excellent for beginners or those with a lower fitness level, this style of yoga is geared to improve your overall sense of well being in a number of ways. It will improve your posture, strength, balance, and flexibility, which will help you to relax and reduce your stress level. Basic poses from other styles of yoga may also be introduced. At the end of your sessions, you should feel a renewed sense of vitality.
This style of yoga can accommodate both beginners and more advanced practitioners. It can be practiced at a slow pace with postures ranging from 45 seconds to two minutes in duration, or incorporate the more advanced practice of asanas of five minutes or more. An asana is defined as a posture that is steady, but relaxed. The focus of Yin yoga is on the connective tissues of your lower spine, pelvis, and hips.
Power yoga focuses on the mind/body connection by utilizing strength building poses. It is a rigorous workout of your whole body and generally not recommended for beginners. It is, however, a great way for a more experienced practitioner to combine the spiritual, mental, and physical benefits of yoga with calorie-burning exercise. It also helps you improve your balance and posture.
The term ‘Hatha’ refers to a general category of an old system of yoga styles designed to bring peace to your mind and body by practicing various postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayama). ‘Vinyasa’ means flow (as in fluid movement) and promotes strength and flexibility. This is a multi-disciplinary approach that incorporates a set of asanas and links them together through pranayama to achieve balance, endurance, strength, and flexibility. It is suitable for both beginners and intermediate practitioners.
At Amarillo Town Club, our skilled and experienced group of instructors are prepared to both guide and challenge you through whichever yoga style you to choose to practice. Whether you are brand new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, looking to tone up or wind down, we have the perfect yoga class for you.
View our class schedule here.